Learn Quran online with the best Quran teachers

How do you want to have confidence to learn the Quran online?

Or become a Hafiz Quran in recitation and / or memorization of one of the most respected leaders and intellectuals in your community? Now you can easily learn online to read, memorize and recite the Quran by following the Quran course. Mastering and learning the Quran is a spiritual and mental journey that brings you a deep understanding of the principles of a good Muslim. By taking our lessons in the Quran, you will develop your understanding of Allah's recitations so that you can apply them in your daily life.

Why learn Quran online with us?

At Learn Quran Academy, we have created the most comprehensive and intuitive Quran chapters, giving you the opportunity to learn the Quran at home from the comfort of your own home. Most importantly, by the end of the lessons of the Quran, you will achieve complete mastery of the Quran accurately and accurately the Prophet peace be upon him. Institutions and educational institutions practice very expensive courses. Most people cannot afford such high fees. Online Quran chapters are a more practical option, in terms of price and learning. Our learning methods were created and developed by professors of Al-Azhar University.

The best Quran teachers

For some people, it may be difficult to sit and read the Quran. But at Learn Quran Academy, we have highly skilled and experienced teachers who know the best way to motivate your progress in learning the Quran. In addition, we are licensed and supervised by Al-Azhar University. All Quran teachers on the Internet are graduates of Al-Azhar University and have the necessary training to apply the lessons and principles of the Quran. They will provide you with a valuable context that is easy to memorize and allows you to see the value of your studies.

Learn Quran online easily with us!

You do not have to struggle and make a great effort to memorize the texts and verses of the Quran. We have developed a teaching method that will help you achieve this goal faster than trying this wonderful project alone or with unqualified teachers. Our teachers will guide you through every step of the process so you can know the meaning of the verses of the Quran. By understanding God's recitations, you can create a life in which you live according to your principles and be a good Muslim.

What will you learn?

Read, memorize and recite the Quran with the rules of Tajweed With the help and guidance of the teacher, you will learn to read the Quran and memorize more verses and Surah using the proper Tajweed techniques and rules. You will also learn the rules of correct recitation, including adjectives (character adjectives and mouth formation) and an exit script (correct pronunciation and correct expression for each letter). With Learn Quran  Academy, you have the opportunity to study deeply and become the Hafiz of the Quran in recitation and / or memorization as one of the most respected leaders and intellectuals in your community. Our program is divided into 6 levels and about 20 to 55 hours per level. Anyone can enroll in the course, from beginner to intermediate and advanced, regardless of your current level. If your goal is to accurately memorize the Book of God, learn general verses or find out why they reveal these verses, we offer you experienced and ready teachers, equipped with all the tools necessary to succeed.

You will love learning the Quran with us!

Holy Quran online learning portal step by step

Our learning platform provides you with a step-by-step approach that does not overburden you with information about your starting point and the type of tasks to complete. First, you will need to complete the initial assessment of the current Quran level. Then you can create your account. You will be amazed at the ease with which we designed the learning platform. On the same day, you will have instant access to the course calendar, course calendar, and payment system, and you can start planning the first Quran meeting with your teacher!

Good preparation and discipline to learn Quran

Although we have worked hard to create the most effective teaching methods and teaching materials for memorizing the Quran, you will still need to be disciplined, focused and ready to do the necessary work. It can sometimes take months or even years to achieve full and comprehensive conservation. This is the most motivating and rewarding path in a Muslim's life; therefore, we suggest you stick to a long-term timetable for better results.

Private Quran Lessons

We offer updated curricula and teaching methods of the Holy Quran with a wide range of courses: video learning, interactive course, Quran recitation, memorization activities, as well as practice worksheets. In private individual lessons, you will get the full attention of your Quran teacher, so you will be able to explain back to any aspect of the lesson you need. Our modern online learning platform encourages us to interact and ask questions that you can't normally ask whether you're in a classroom or with others.

Video materials to learn the Quran

It is difficult to start an arduous journey such as reading, memorizing and reciting the Quran. For most Muslims, it may be difficult to engage in this task, but we know it will be filled with grace once it is finished. Therefore, in order to assist the Quran in the study, in addition to individual lessons and assistance, we offer dozens of video lessons that ensure an intelligent and customized educational system. Our video library will help you achieve your goals more effectively and with less difficulty than traditional Quran learning and memorization methods.

What do you expect from the lessons of the Quran?

Complete online access to your progress and performance based on participating in Quran lessons.

Flexible schedules and everything you need to learn online from the comfort of your own home. From the moment you sign in to your account, you will have exclusive access to dozens of Holy Quran tutorials, all organized and organized in an intuitive and simple step-by-step manner. Above all, you will have all the tools to check and track your progress. On our portal, you'll be able to manage your account reports, cancel sessions, and access your personal course calendar.

Benefits package

Best quality. We are an Arab institution of the Quran on the Internet, providing quality education in all aspects of the Arabic language and the Quran.

Structured learning that facilitates the memorization and recitation of the Quran.

Innovative digital learning platform. Amazing intuitive interface and easy to use. Zero time is lost in the question of where to start, what to do first. We take care of that.

Easy payment system and features

Profitable. Compared to institutions offering expensive courses, online Learn Quran Academy are a more practical option in terms of price and learning. That is why Learn Quran Academy has developed the right online platform to learn the Quran easily at home, in the office or anywhere else.

Are you ready to start and learn the Quran? Don't wait, register today!

What you will learn in this course

You will learn how to implement all the rules of intonation.
You will be able to read the Quran easily.
You can correct your mistakes by reading the Quran.
You will increase your love of the Quran through repeated reading.
You will memorize more verses and surahs from Quran.
You can become Hafiz Quran in recitation and / or memorization.
Are you ready to learn Quran online? Join now with 3 free trial classes

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